No record breaking weather as of 07:20 AM

Current Month Records

Data collected since 04/01/2024


Temperature Records

Highest Temperature 77.0°F 4/9/2024
Lowest Temperature 22.3°F 4/25/2024
Highest Heat Index 77.0°F 4/9/2024
Lowest Wind Chill 19.2°F 4/25/2024

Wind Records

Maximum Wind Gust 37.4 mph 4/3/2024
Highest Average Speed 29.0 mph 4/3/2024
Highest Daily Wind Run 185.2 miles 4/3/2024

Precipitation Records

Highest Daily Precipitation 0.64 in 4/4/2024
Highest Precipitation Rate 0.012 in/min 4/19/2024
Consecutive Days With Precipitation 6 Days Ending: 4/14
Consecutive Days Without Precipitation 4 Days Ending: 4/9

Humidity Records

Highest Humidity 99% 4/4/2024
Lowest Humidity 21% 4/26/2024
Highest Dewpoint 59.2°F 4/12/2024
Lowest Dewpoint 13.7°F 4/25/2024

Barometer Records

Highest Barormeter 30.634 inHg 4/26/2024
Lowest Barometer 29.314 inHg 4/12/2024

Sun Records

Highest Solar Radiation 1197.9W/m² 4/6/2024
Highest UV 11.0 4/6/2024
This table is reflective of this months data from this station located in Westmoreland, NY.
This is not official scientific data. The weather data presented here is based on data collected since July 2006.
Script courtesy of: Dennis from

USA Weather Finder